If Sacred Games knocked it out of the park, then Ghoul strikes it hard enough but fails to hit a home run.
When Nawaz couldn't be by her side, she displayed more political acumen, bravery, intelligence than most politicians.
While Kohli's absence will hamper India’s chances, nonetheless, Pakistan will be the stronger team even with Kohli.
Delving into the lesser known crevices of an otherwise well-known historical event can be a captivating experience
There are more effective ways than sending forces and belligerently going against nations to tackle that menace.
Despite long summer vacation, short working day and a small but stable salary, teachers continue to leave.
This fiasco has revealed that we are a bigoted society who will easily disregard someone’s competence due to...
The shortcomings stem from Gary Dauberman's script, who uses the ‘haunted house template’ and remains content at...
While understanding if childhood, drugs or mental illness is to blame, it's undeniable that the intention is...
From sexually embarrassing questions to sexual harassment, everything is apparently only fun in such instances.