From a girl who only wanted to do medicine and whose dream universities weren’t LUMS or IBA, I struggled immensely.
They say “women are weak”, “a woman can’t fight” but I’ve never seen something as delicate as a man’s ego.
How could he put the burden of such a severe blame on her like that? Why is it common practice to blame the woman?
The entire structure is so out of sync with modern governance systems that it cannot deliver any meaningful service.
Cheese is like Batman; it may not be what the country ‘deserves’, but it is what the country needs.
A collection of essays, most of which aim at important parts of our history which have been overlooked or fabricated
Saturday’s episode had nothing to do with race or sexism. It was an unsightly outburst from a powerful tennis icon.
Imagine if we could not earn the foreign exchange you are asking for if our adoptive country discriminated against us?
The trailer released recently and might have broken records when it comes to being an outright dud. It's a cringe...
This demeaning comedy is not helping our culture, where we ridicule each other’s uniqueness instead of...