Over the years, Rambo’s spirit and the original soul of Morrell’s story has been taken over by stereotypical...
What the film lacks in originality, it more than makes up for in execution. Undeniably, it never gets boring.
Scorsese returning to the genre, with DeNiro, Pesi, Pacino, exploring Hoffa's life–this is a match made in film heaven
Thirty-four years later, the film is finally getting the sequel people wanted decades ago.
The effects are a bad fit. They are far too imposing and in-your-face due to which everything else takes a backseat.
Shadow of the Avengers looms large over the film and while that is understandable, it creates hindrances for the film.
A highly flawed and largely disappointing end to the series, which its script being the root cause of the issues.
By keeping the plot to bare minimum, Dougherty focuses on what really matters: monster versus monster smack-down
The simplistic plot provides the filmmakers the opportunity to beef up the film with explosive action set-pieces
The film certainly won’t be pulling any punches when it comes to terrifying audiences with its horror and...