It is deplorable to see PTI potential ticket holders from Punjab sitting in Bani Gala instead of their constituencies.
The teaser lacks in almost everything; no action sequences, no spectacular set pieces, no costumes and no Venom!
For seven years, Assad has been treating civilians as terrorists or affiliates, while the global community watches.
Both these little pillows of deliciousness are easy to make; it’s better to bake on your own and fill it with love!
Love is finally in the air! And the only thing on your mind this February should be football and football alone!
It lashes out at social customs, morals and absurd misconceptions encircling menstrual problems, in a pleasant manner.
She made me realise that introspection was a far greater virtue than phony hyper-patriotism.
Because the responsibility of putting the “suffer” in everyone else’s safar (travel) lies on your weak...
“Don’t you understand?” I say to no one at all. “I can’t choose both of us. It’s either my sanity or...
BJP leader clams, “why are they here? Muslims have been given their share. They should go to Bangladesh or Pakistan.”