I would love to see our transgender community appointed as military personnel or government officials.
This solidifies my belief about real artists; you can oppress us, repress us, depress us, but we’ll always find a way.
What happens when there is no longer a need for "Mahira the Masoom" ?
We can totally understand if Deepak Perwani got a little flustered and pulled a Kanye West on Urwa Hocane.
"You just have to wear a burqa inside the school." This is the story of a teacher at a Karachi-based school.
We got in touch with one of those local comic-making shaitaans for you. They operate under the name of Zehreeli Chummi
Disclosing honesty meant to escape from here as our people are easily offended and can even end up killing the writer
They exchanged worried glances that they’d be asked to work on this woman who was too disgusted to let them touch her
We’re opinionated, we’re tenacious, and we’re not wrapped up in a chaddar!
The satirical videos star Faiza and her friends and they poke fun at all sorts of social issues in Pakistan.