Let’s hope that after this post goes out, this fashion pariah is not escorted from the fashion dungeons on Day 2.
A vintage outfit created from pieces picked at Sunday Bazaar can be more avant garde than what these designers put out
The only way to improve relations between Pakistan and India is to make the youth read the same history text book.
Aren't women who marry solely for financial stability prostitutes?
Berlin is not the most popular city on the globe. Yet every tourist who runs into her, falls head over heels for her.
If you’re standing on the cliff right about now, strapped and ready to jump, I say ‘jump already!’.
They call hijabis ‘oppressed’, but aren’t the people judging and mocking her choice the real oppressors?
Religious extremists, will not call me their own because my hair is uncovered and my mehram is not speaking for me.
Strangers tumble out of planes rubbing their eyes from lack of sleep while others scratch their butts.
No matter how much you struggle, strive, sweat, bleed and cry for this place, it never calls you its own.