Stories from Natasha Khalid
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Down the road less travelled
Societal expectations can dictate our lives but some brave individuals dare to defy them
Staying human in the age of AI
The convenience technoligy offers may inadvertently hinder the creative capacity of the human mind
The Glorious Wazir Khan Mosque
Walking the streets of Lahore, it is impossible to miss the aesthetically pleasing Wazir Khan Mosque
Life in Champaign, America: A delight for Pakistanis
Study on being so far away from home yet still rejoicing the fruits of your ethnicity
Home decor for Eid: Tips to revamp stale interiors on a limited budget
This Eid, give your home a whole new look by trying out the helpful hacks
The at-home spa guide
If you have been craving some pampering but don’t want to spend a fortune on spa treatments, this guide is for you
Re-evaluating diets
Don’t choose a plan you cannot sustain
Home remedies for everyday skin problems
Home remedies for everyday skin problems
The smart bride guide
Girls, in particular, set great store by the idea of marriage and being a bride
Dining out on a diet
You can’t destroy your social life just to avoid having to eat out