Stories from Anusha Zahid
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Centuries-old barter system revived with this Pakistani startup
‘Goats for water’ aims to help rural Sindh fight energy woes through exchange of animals
The auto policy: Threats, concerns and optimism
Government took current players by surprise, carmakers voice mixed opinions
For the future: Energy experts group envisions plan for sustainable future
Calls for meeting power demand by developing domestic resources
Preparing for the future: Dubai hosts conference on energy needs
Executives highlight future role of renewable sources
Plastic waste: Researchers hoping to commercialise recycling
Want oil refineries to play active role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Pak-Japan forum: Japan has a ‘more cautious approach’
Ambassador sees security concerns as a major impediment to investment
Women’s entrepreneurial role emphasised
Females fully capable of starting growth companies, says SBP governor.
More unity, faith and discipline
It would not be fair to blame the government entirely for the prevalent situation