Stories from Prakash Belawadi
Rival roads to Delhi
Leaders who tried to run down Anna movement as “urban” will be deprived of the rhetoric when it comes to poor Indian.
Rise of the vernacular
When Kannada singer C Ashwath played a concert at ground where 40,000 people turned up for Deep Purple, 100,000 came.
Protesting too much
Opposition parties have been riling public support against FDI, high diesel prices just to weaken Singh's government.
Let’s get lowbrow
The new national manufacturing policy aims to create employment for 100 million, back to basics — the factory floor.
Bollywood: trade and balance
For Ms Kaif to get an offer of Rs2.5 crore from a Karachi millionaire for a show would not be a great surprise.
Food and democracy
Ordinary people care less about the grand notions of freedom and suffrage than food and water.
Monsoon and media
For subcontinent's English media, there are two monsoon seasons. For vernacular India, many rains with ancient names.
We must, at Wagah
An Independence Day Friendship Concert at Wagah would make the ultimate jugalbandi of our shared musical heritage.
Deeper than skin
Indian version of democracy is determined overwhelmingly by divisive identity politics. The biggest divider is caste.