Stories from Dr Tariq Rahman
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The illusion of English for the masses
Knowing the elite English-medium schools will not shift to Urdu, I agree that more English should be taught to masses.
The generosity of Bangladesh
The mere fact that they had bestowed an honour upon me for merely following my conscience went beyond hospitality.
The desert is spreading all around us
Universities were considered oases in deserts but if NUST orders its students not to wear jeans what is one to think.
A post-mortem of the APC resolution
Now we know In Pakistan if you are powerful enough to kill, you will be elevated to be its stakeholder.
What are the sarkars doing?
Let us give democracy a chance but this can only happen if we point out the faults of the sarkars.
Goodbye to Heidelberg
Let us hope that Pakistan has the sense to learn from modern Germany.
Moments of sanity in international travel
The restriction on human movement creates more problems than it solves.
Learning from Heidelberg
No research should be required for promotion but student and peer-group evaluation of teaching is necessary.
Not death but deterrence
We should begin to deter criminals and this can only take place by insisting on punishment and not death.
Personal names and identity in Pakistan
Names are so important that a human being can lose his or her life only because of the wrong name in the wrong place.