Stories from Ahmad Rafay Alam
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Environmental pollution and malnutrition
In Pakistan, malnutrition is responsible for 54 per cent of over 10 million deaths per year in children under five
Failure of urban planning
Like all opportunities, urban development potential can only be tapped once and it has to be tapped correctly.
Health for the Children of the Monsoon
Provincial govts’ development policies must ensure health impact of climate change are mainstreamed into its policies.
Water. Now!
Cities need to secure their water supplies by better understanding their catchments, diversifying water resources.
The next graveyard of empire
No matter how much cash is given in circular-debt, because energy sector is run poorly, its appetite is never sated.
The ‘Sanitary Revolution’
Improved sanitation allowed cities to grow. Indeed, it spawned the Urban Revolution.
Moving forward with the BRT
We need more transport projects, but the next ones need to be better planned and better executed.
Safety in transport and on roads
I can’t help but think of countless tragedies, which could have been prevented by application of: safety.
Conserving our precious water
How much more can we mine the Indus for our uses without considering how we have destroyed its ecology.
Clear skies in Spring
By defenestrating Basant from Lahore, you have only taken the colour from your own life.