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Meet Captain Jack Abbasi

Rum and Hamza Ali Abbasi?
rum and hamza ali abbasirum and hamza ali abbasi

Rum and Hamza Ali Abbasi?

Who would have guessed Hamza's favourite movie character is the loose-moraled Captain Jack Sparrow?

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Johnny Depp is old friends with his inner evil

It seems the heartthrob has found a new hobby: playing around with Photoshop. But we are not complaining! If his first 'piece of art' is anything to go by, he does appear to be a master craftsman.

All he's missing is the Black Pearl.

Spotted: Captain Jack Sparrow pulling rickshaw in India

We wonder what Captain Jack Sparrow has to say about this:

Hamza didn't fail to impress his fans though, they seemed to like his new look:

What's your take?

The image has been made by a fan. Hamza later edited his post mentioning the name of the fan who made it.
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