CNG primary fuel for majority of car owners

77% of car owners claim to use CNG as primary fuel, while 81 per cent of them claim to face problems with its supply.

A whopping 77 per cent of Pakistani car owners claim to use CNG as their primary fuel, while 81 per cent of them claim to face problems with its supply, said the findings of a survey conducted by Gilani Research Foundation-Gallup Pakistan.

In a survey, a nationally representative sample of men and women from across the country were asked the following question:
Which fuel is consumed by your car?

Seventy seven per cent of car owners claimed to use CNG as fuel in their cars, 17 per cent used petrol while four per cent used diesel. Two per cent gave no response.

In a follow up question a nationally representative sample of men and women from across the country were asked the following question:
If you use CNG, recently did you face any problem regarding the supply of CNG?

Eighty one percent of CNG consumers stated that they faced problems with the supply of CNG, 13 per cent said they have not had any such problem recently. Six per cent gave no response.

In another follow up question a nationally representative sample of men and women from across the country were asked the following question:
In your opinion what is the reason behind the shortage of CNG?

Forty six per cent blamed the increasing number of CNG stations for its shortage, 19 per cent held more industrial usage responsible, and 19 per cent blamed loadshedding for shortages. Eleven per cent believed the shortage to be due to more household consumption. Five per cent gave no response.

The study was released by Gilani foundation and carried out by Gallup Pakistan, the Pakistani affiliate of Gallup International.

The recent survey was carried out among a sample of 2741 men and women in rural and urban areas of all four provinces of the country, during December 2010. Error margin is estimated to be approximately 2-3 per cent at 95 per cent confidence level.
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