On the right track: District nazim vows to bolster health, education

Says he understands people’s needs as he belongs to Peshawar.

Asad Zia September 08, 2015

PESHAWAR: Progress in health and education is the need of the hour in Peshawar and the district’s newly elected nazim seems to be on the right track as he has given both sectors top priority.

Peshawar District Nazim Muhammad Asim Khan told The Express Tribune that he was born and raised in the provincial capital and therefore better understood problems faced by the locals. Khan believed the rural areas of the district required more attention than urban centres.

The newly-elected nazim reiterated that his top priorities were health and education in the rural union councils, while improving drainage and sewage in Peshawar was second from the top of his agenda. He said whole areas were inundated by water during the rainy season and residents faced numerous difficulties. Elaborating on his strategy, the nazim said experts in this field would be consulted and work initiated in light of their advice.

Another major concern for Khan was the traffic system in district. He stressed that once the situation was improved on link roads, the burden of traffic on main thoroughfares would reduce automatically.

Speaking about the law and order situation, Khan said he would develop a strategy to eliminate incidents of robbery.

Inflated food prices and unhygienic products also featured on his list of problems to tackle. He said strategies for this purpose are already afoot and he would visit markets personally to check hygiene levels at eateries and food prices at markets.

Khan graduated with an MBA from IMSciences in Peshawar and recognised the importance of education. He shared there are a total of 28,000 schools in K-P which needed 24,000 additional teachers. The district nazim pointed out that the PTI government appointed 14,000 new teachers through the NTS. He vowed to visit each school in his district to sort out their problems.

“I have been receiving complaints from different schools, but I will visit them personally to resolve the problems on the spot,” he said. Khan acknowledged there were some schools which remained closed in Urmar, Mathra, Badhaber and other union councils. He said he would look into why these institutes were no longer functional.

About his selection for the district nazim seat, Khan said he never approached anyone for a ticket and was handpicked by the party.

Published in The Express Tribune, September 9th,  2015.


Mamu | 8 years ago | Reply May Allah help you in you right cause.
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