Disciplinary action: PTI to give Azam Swati, Yasin Khalil the boot

Chief Minister Pervez Khattak vows to name ‘bigwigs’ involved in LG mismanagement.

Senator Azam Swati and MPA Yasin Khalil. PHOTO: FILE


After much hue and cry over the alleged violation of party discipline and local government legislation by workers of major political parties during the nazim, naib nazim elections, heads have begun to roll all around.

The floodgates have been opened by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf that has served membership cancellation notices to numerous party activists, including figureheads Senator Azam Swati and MPA Yasin Khalil. The announcements were made during Chief Minister Pervez Khattak’s press conference in the city on Wednesday. Khattak said both Azam and Khalil will be sacked from the party and the election commission will decide upon their cases within 30 days. “We will not be able to enforce discipline within our ranks if we do not take action against them,” he said.

The chief minister also vowed to name all those involved in the mismanagement. “Once the LG setups are sorted, I will initiate action against all such officials,” said Khattak, adding “big names are involved in the irregularities.”

Also talking on the occasion, PTI K-P Organiser Fazal Khan said the actions of both Azam and Khalil harmed the party’s interests.

“We did not give the Mansehra nazim ticket to Azam’s nephew Shehryar Khan Swati yet he contested and as a result, PTI lost the seat. Azam was backing Shehryar.” Fazal said the party has asked Azam to explain his position, failing which he will be sacked from PTI.

“Khalil played a similar role in Peshawar Town-III.” The K-P organiser said the party has also issued notices to 10 councillor-elects of the town who either did not show up for the nazim, naib nazim elections or voted of their own accord.

No respite

Similarly in Karak’s Takht-e-Nasrati tehsil, 4 councillor-elects refrained from casting ballots on Sunday. “In Buner, 11 of our councillors voted against the party candidate. They have all been asked for explanations. We lost the district nazim seat because of this act,” said Fazal. He added action has also been initiated against two women, elected on reserved seats in Malakand.

Abbottabad nazim Sher Bahadur Khan has also been served a notice because the party’s official nominee Ali Khan Jadoon lost the seat to the former who is also a party activist. “Abbottabad’s 11 councillors have been served with notices.”

Fazal said the respondents will be required to respond within a week.

“More names will be added to the list since enquiry in several areas is still under way.”

The notices have been served under Article 78(A) of K-P LG (Amendment) Act 2015 [disqualification on grounds of defection].

Published in The Express Tribune, September 3rd,  2015.
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