Saudi soldier killed by Yemen fire, one dead in crash

One soldier was killed and three others wounded by artillery fire from Yemen

Members of the Saudi border guard are stationed at a look-out point on the Saudi-Yemeni border, in southwestern S.Arabia PHOTO: AFP

A Saudi soldier has been killed by artillery fire from Yemen, while another died when his patrol vehicle crashed along the border, authorities in Riyadh said on Tuesday.

A Saudi border post in the kingdom's southern Jazan region came under shell and rocket fire from Yemeni territory on Monday.

Read: One dead, 3 wounded in Saudi-Pakistan military training

One soldier was killed and three others wounded, an interior ministry spokesperson was quoted as saying by the official SPA news agency.

In a separate incident, a Saudi soldier operating along the border with Yemen was killed when his vehicle overturned, the spokesperson added.

Riyadh said Sunday that rocket fire from Yemen had killed a Saudi general, the highest-ranking officer to die in border attacks since a Saudi-led coalition began air strikes against Iran-backed rebels across Yemen in March.

Read: Saudi Arabia resumes air strikes in Yemen as talks fail

Close to 60 people, mainly military personnel, have been killed in Saudi Arabia's border region since the Riyadh-led operation was launched.
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