How to buy: Bags

What are the five key things women should keep in mind before buying a bag?

Personal style
Bag trends
Use of bag/functionality
Their own bag collection

Your take on the fake designer handbags that everyone picks up in Bangkok - Buy or Bye Bye?

Bye Bye

How many bags (clutches etc included) does a woman realistically need to have?

As many as her heart desires! Fashion is about evolving your styleits change. Stay fresh and unpredictable – handbags are a great way to do that.

Will there be an end to the plain black and tan bag epidemic? Why don’t women buy handbags in any other color?

I can only hope for an end to black/tan bags. With each collection, I try to make it more tempting for the safe ‘black bag-ers’ to venture into the world of colours. I think it is a typical mind-set and a mental block against colour, though given our culture; we should be celebrating loud vivacious hues all the time. I have come across phrases like black ‘matches’ everything! It is time to change this way of life and make it be known that there is no need to ‘match’!

What’s the best and worst thing about the bags you see women carrying in Pakistan?

The best thing is that in our slowly developing market (though there is growing awareness) there is a minority out there who sees the light and is willing to experiment with bags. So once in a while, if you are lucky you catch a fun bag. Unfortunately people here on an average carry bags that don’t say much. A bag is an accessory. It is meant to communicate something essential about its owner. It is meant to make a statement and stand out. An insignificant bag is better left at home.
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