Rangers claim they arrested wanted target killer during Clifton restaurant raid

Target killer Yameen alias AD, was responsible for 10 murders in addition to forcefully shutting markets down

Biryani of the Seas (BOTS), owned by MQM MNA Ali Raza Abidi. PHOTO: FILE

Nearly 24 hours after raiding and sealing shut a restaurant in Clifton which is owned by Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) MNA Ali Raza Abidi, the Rangers claimed that they had arrested a wanted target killer from the establishment.

According to a statement released by Rangers on Friday evening, the paramilitary force said they had been watching the Clifton branch of Biryani of the Seas restaurant. On Thursday, following an anonymous tip, they raided the restaurant and arrested target killer Yameen alias AD.

Rangers claimed that Yameen was responsible for as many as 10 target killings including four people killed at Goodluck Gardens in 2014.They added that Yameen was also responsible for robberies and for forcefully shutting down markets.

Read: Rangers raid Clifton restaurant owned by MQM MNA

On Thursday evening, Rangers had raided the restaurant, detaining at least two people, including Abidi’s cousin Hassan Raza. However, Raza was released early on Friday morning. The restaurant was sealed after the raid.

MQM questions manner of Rangers' raid

The MQM, while responding to the statement released by the Rangers posed a series of questions on the manner of the raid.

The MQM asked why wasn't the accused arrested while he was coming or going to the restaurant. Further, why wasn't he arrested on the previous occasions he had been spotted there.

The party further asked why did the paramilitary force detain Hassan Raza and confiscate records of the restaurant, or why did the Rangers feel the need to close and seal the establishment.

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