Iran nuclear deal a potential game changer: Zardari

Former president asks government to seize moment and translate dream of Iran-Pakistan gas pipe line

Our Correspondent July 15, 2015

ISLAMABAD: Former president and Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari on Wednesday welcomed the Iran nuclear deal as “a far reaching development that holds the potential of a game changer in the region”.

“The agreement is a triumph of diplomacy and negotiations over coercion and hostility and is most welcomed,” a press release of the party quoted Zardari as saying.

Read: Iran, big powers clinch landmark nuclear deal

An Iran cooperating with the world raises the prospects and hopes for peace, stability and development in the region, he said.

“The test now is for all sides uphold their commitments in letter and spirit,” said the former president expressing his hope that they will.

Further, he also called upon Pakistan government to seize the moment and translate the dream of Iran, Pakistan gas pipe line which was formally initiated by the PPP government into a reality.

“The nuclear deal opens the doors for the Iran, Pakistan gas pipeline and thereby resolve our lingering and crippling energy crisis,” Zardari pointed out.

Earlier on Tuesday, Pakistan and world powers had welcomed the Iran nuclear deal with six major world powers. A statement issued by the Foreign Ministry had said: “Pakistan welcomes the nuclear agreement reached between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the P5 + 1.”

Read: Pakistan, global powers welcome Iran nuclear deal

Meanwhile, world leaders, including UN chief Ban Ki-moon had also congratulated Tehran and global powers for reaching an agreement.


cautious | 9 years ago | Reply Zardari signed this agreement in a desperate attempt to salvage his terrible reputation during his last days in office. He performed zero due diligence - had no clue where Pakistan was going to find the Billions needed to honor it's obligations or even whether the price arranged was a "good deal". He didn't even bother to pick up the phone and talk to Turkey which might have told him that Iran cuts off supply to Turkey during the winter because Iran doesn't produce enough natural gas to meet it's own domestic demand during the Winter. . Pakistan is now stuck with a multi Billion commitment with significant penalties it it doesn't build the pipeline and purchase natural gas at above market rates. It's also stuck with the prospect of having it's Billion dollar pipeline sit empty during the Winter because Iran doesn't produce enough natural gas to meet it's obligations. Not sure I would be bragging if I was in Zardari's shoes.
Mrs Juicy Gossips | 9 years ago | Reply @Naeem Majid: Exactly and it was the very same Zardari who dragged his feet all those years when he was in power to have the pipeline project started from the Pakistani side. Succumbing to US pressure, the Iranians just got fed up with his on and off nonsense.
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