5 pre-workout foods to fuel your body

To kick some serious butt during your workout you need to fuel your body with the appropriate proteins and carbs

To kick some serious butt during your workout you need to fuel your body with the appropriate proteins and carbs. PHOTO: FILE

Eating too much before a workout causes nausea, indigestion, sluggishness, and vomiting. While fatty foods leave the stomach slowly, making you feel sluggish. 

To kick some serious butt during your workout you need to fuel your body appropriately. The only way you can do this is by maintaining a reasonable amount of protein and carbohydrate in the body.

Here are five foods which help boost your energy levels before you hit the gym:

Labelled 'nature's powerbar', bananas contain a high amount of potassium, which aids in maintaining nerve and muscle function, and digestible carbohydrates - fuel for the body.

A medium banana 30 minutes pre-workout helps keep nutrient levels high. You could add it to yogurt or a slice of whole wheat bread.

One slice is all you need to pack a good amount of carbohydrate. It'll provide enough fuel to carry you through your workout. According to Totalgymdirect, carbohydrate intake spurs the body’s consumption of stored energy while maintaining the protein amounts your body needs to repair and build muscles.

However, make sure you have it 45 mins prior to your workout.

3. Greek yogurt

According to AskMen, Greek yogurt has almost double the protein, fewer carbs and half the sodium as compared to its regular counterpart, however, regular yogurt had three times the amount of calcium in Greek yogurt.

Both are a great source of energy and are best consumed with fresh fruit. Ditch the packaged flavoured ones and go au naturel to avoid added sugar.

4. Apples

The sugar in apples is a natural way to give your body a boost of instant energy. This fruit fuels your body and helps you go harder during your workout.

Half an apple or a medium sized one is all you need, make sure to eat it 30 minutes before heading out to the gym. One way to make sure you get a healthy source of protein and good fats is to add a bit of peanut/ almond butter (organic) to your slice of apples.

Oats are qualified as slow-digesting carbs, which help supply a steady stream of energy and provide a long lasting energy throughout your workout. It also helps burn more fat.

Have this 30 mins before your workout with a fruit of your choice to add natural sugar to the meal.
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