Anti-encroachment drive: Portions of Gulbahar police station demolished

DC Riaz Mehsud says CM Pervez Khattak approved plans for demolishing illegal construction

Portion of police station demolished by anti-encroachment team. PHOTO: PPI

Around 27 feet of road occupied by Gulbahar police station was cleared in the city on Thursday as the district administration demolished encroachments constructed by the police. 

In a joint operation, the district administration and municipal corporation removed rooms as well as sandbags, concrete blocks and barbed wire from outside the police station with the help of heavy machinery.

Addressing the media outside the building, DC Riaz Mehsud said Chief Minister Pervez Khattak had approved the plans for demolishing illegal parts of the station.

According to Mehsud, the district administration was informed in January that the police station had encroached upon the road, restricting the flow of traffic in the area.

“Several meetings were held with police officials in this regard,” he said. Mehsud added it was subsequently decided a portion of the police station would be demolished.

Chief Capital Police Officer Ijaz Khan said in the meetings the district administration suggested that as an alternative the police department would be provided six kanals opposite Gulbahar police station, but the department refused.

Khan added the washrooms that had been demolished would be rebuilt.

Published in The Express Tribune, May 29th, 2015.
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