High-Risk Areas: Anti-polio drive begins in Pindi

All these UCs have been high risk areas

A five-day polio vaccination campaign began in high-risk areas of Rawalpindi District on Monday with an aim to cover more than 166,000 children under five years of age. The vaccination drive is being carried out in 13 union councils (UC) of Rawalpindi city, five UCs of cantonment, six UCs of Taxila tehsil and five UCs of rural areas. All these UCs have been high risk areas. Polio drops are also being administered to children at 111 health centres. A recently concluded immunisation campaign had covered 750,793 children in the district. Pakistan is struggling to eliminate the crippling virus which paralysed around 200 children last year.

Published in The Express Tribune, May 5th, 2015.
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