Over 63,000 to sit intermediate exams

RBISE sets up 177 exam centres in four districts


Rawalpindi Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (RBISE) will hold the annual higher secondary school exams from May 7. A total of 177 examination centres have been set up for 63,921 candidates in the Rawalpindi Division.

RBISE Chairman Dr Muhammad Zareef said all arrangement have been finalised for the exams.

The roll number slips of regular candidates have been sent to their schools and colleges while slips of private candidates were sent on their home addresses through the post.

Students who have not yet received their roll number slips should contact either the board office in Morgah, Rawalpindi, or controller examination at 051-5450917-18.

Of the 63,921 candidates, 37,106 are appearing as regular ones while 26,815 will sit the exam as private candidates. 92 exam centres have been set up for girls and 74 for boys while 11 combined examination centres have also been set up.

A special cell has also  been set up to monitor the process.

Published in The Express Tribune, May 4th, 2015.
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