Media watch: Peace deal in Orakzai

Media discusses the governments efforts to strike a peace deal in between Shias and Sunnis in Orakzai.

Media watch is a daily round-up of key articles featured on news websites, hand-picked by The Express Tribune web staff.

Orakzai deal

Whatever the local factors, however, it is quite clear that had it not been for an administrative failure on the part of the political agent and the state apparatus meant to deal with the area, sectarian rivalry in Orakzai would perhaps have never exploded so bitterly. Unhappily, administrative failure has been a common factor in the loss of much of Fata. Yes, the Taliban feed on local conditions and vulnerabilities, but the space for them to operate has often been ceded all too easily by the state apparatus and not always for `strategic` or `policy` reasons. (

Orakzai peace jirga

The fact that the Shia-Sunni peace jirga has been sponsored by the government in order to prevent militants fleeing active conflict zones from regrouping, points to a refinement of the military strategy, which is now relying on political means as well to succeed. Harmony among Shia and Sunni tribes would ensure that they put up a united front against any outsiders who try to use their area for militant purposes.  (

Accord and discord

There is a broader lesson inherent in the encouraging events in Orakzai. One of these is that, with the requisite will and demonstration of rationality, the dark influence of the Taliban can indeed be shaken off. It does not need to hang over us forever. Sectarian tensions erupted in Orakzai and Kurrum agencies under Taliban prompting. It is said that sectarian groups from Punjab, which have in recent years linked up with the Taliban, played a key part in this. (
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