Freedom of expression: Cancellation of Balochistan talk slammed

HRCP says opportunities to discuss such issues should be encouraged.

“It is highly condemnable that the event had to be cancelled on the orders of the government,” the rights group said in a statement. PHOTO: HRCP


The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) on Friday condemned the cancellation of an event, titled Unsilencing Balochistan that was scheduled to take place at the Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) on Thursday.

“It is highly condemnable that the event had to be cancelled on the orders of the government,” the rights group said in a statement.

“The cancellation order raises many questions: why should our students not be able to discuss and listen to an exchange of views regarding the situation in Balochistan? Would the event have been allowed if it focused on another region of the country? Would it have been okay if Mama Qadeer, the rights activist from Balochitsan, was not among the speakers?”

Calling the decision counterproductive, the HRCP said opportunities to discuss such issues should be more welcome than violent alternatives that had been playing out in parts of Balochistan.

HRCP Secretary General IA Rehman was also scheduled to speak at the event that included Baloch nationalist speakers Mama Qadeer and Farzana Majeed.

“The cancellation of the event reaffirms the Baloch people’s belief that they will never get a fair deal from an establishment that not only hurts them but also ensures that their cries of anguish are suppressed and remain unheard,” said Muhammad Ali Talpur who was also scheduled to attend the session.

Separately, a number of LUMS students continued their protest against the cancellation. They said they would continue to protest.

“The gathering reaffirms our commitment to the values that we hold dear and that we will not forsake at gunpoint. It will also benefit those who want to remain informed about the matter in hand,” said one of the student protesters. The students said they planned to expand their protest by reaching out to other student organisations.

Published in The Express Tribune, April 11th, 2015.
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