Kim Jong-Un brings back 'pleasure troupe' of young women

Government officials would conduct searches of the countryside for the most attractive young women

North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un. PHOTO: REUTERS

North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un has ordered the creation of a new "pleasure troupe" of young women to entertain him.

Kim, 32, whose country is notorious for a poor record on human rights abuses, is reportedly drawing up lists of a new generation of female companions.

The "pleasure troupes" were a practise introduced by Kim's grandfather, North Korea's founding father and the 'Eternal President Kim Il-sung. However, reportedly, they were disbanded shortly after Kim Jong-Il’s, death in December 2011.


It is thought that the girls were paid-off, and South Korean newspaper Chosun Ilbo claimed the women were given approximately $4,000 (a huge sum in North Korea) and various household appliances.

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However, he has now decided to revive a source of entertainment -- something that has become a tradition for North Korean leaders.

Government officials would conduct countrywide searches for the most attractive young women, typically taking 30 to 40 every year, who would become singers, maids and/or dancers following an interview with the leader.

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The prettiest one would be expected to become the leader's mistress, eventually to be passed on to a high ranking military or government officials after reaching their mid-20s.

The article originally appeared on The Times of India
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