VIDEO: 'Shock' away your bad habits

Electronic bracelet sends shocks to your body every time you find yourself doing something wrong

Electronic bracelet sends shocks to your body every time you find yourself doing something wrong. PHOTO: PAVLOK.COM

This new accessory could actually help many of us still working on keeping those New Year's resolutions.

It's called the Pavlok wristband, an electronic bracelet that has one primary job - to send an electrical shock to your body every time you find yourself doing something wrong.

The device is designed to give you a shock anytime you give into temptation, but other people can also use an app to remotely send you a jolt to keep you in line.

Chris Schelzi, the director of Marketing of Pavlok said, "We found that it is super effective and even more so in some cases than we thought it was going to be."

Pavlok can be used to curb a range of bad habits - from smoking or biting your nails to having negative depressive thought patterns and Schelzi claims that it has been "very successful in all of those areas,"

The wristband can produce a short electric burst up to 350 volts, but the shock can be dialed down to a fraction of that and is perfectly safe to use.

Watch the video below to find out more on how it works.

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