Media watch: Victories at the Asian Games

Media applauds the Pakistan's performance in hockey, squash and women's cricket with hope that it continues in future.

Media watch is a daily round-up of key articles featured on news websites, hand-picked by The Express Tribune web staff.

Success at Asiad

One hopes that the Asiad euphoria begins to evolve in a manner that does not allow Pakistan’s triumph to prove short-lived — the good show must go on. For that to happen, a sincere and consistent approach on the part of officials at the helm of the respective sports federations is of prime importance. The fact is, as many as half a dozen hockey seniors who featured in the Asian Games are in the twilight of their careers. (

A big 'well done!'

Once the euphoria is over, we need to pause for reflection. We need to pause because we have to understand the recipe for this success. What were the ingredients that produced an outstanding team of women cricketers who excelled themselves against the odds? They are underfunded and were previously little recognised. What changed in the hockey team to take them from zeros to heroes in nine months? How come our squash players could pull it off this year? Sporting success does not happen by accident. (

Awesome performance

Clearly, it shows that there is plenty of talent in the country waiting to be tapped. With sheer hard work and determination, our players in the Asian Games have proved that they could be as good as top players and teams around the world. The scandal-plagued Pakistan Cricket Board must seriously ponder over why it has veered off the track and learn its lesson. It ought to set its house in order. (

Stand up for the Champions

The manner in which these victories were celebrated back home shows how starved the people of the country are for good news. Sports is one of the few reliefs the citizens have in the midst of the ongoing war on terror. We are on the frontline of this war. Pakistan has lost more due to terrorism than any other country. (

Three golds, three cheers

Though not quite the same as victory in a global event, this win underscores that with dedication Pakistan hockey could claw its way back to the top. That is provided it is managed in a manner equal to its status in our sporting folklore and our pride of place in the game’s worldwide legend. (
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