Awareness and prevention: NAB chief on how best to fight corruption

The formation of prevention committees has been a significant step, says NAB chairman

NAB chief chairs the concluding session of the A&P Directors Conference. PHOTO: ONLINE


National Accountability Bureau (NAB) Chairman Qamar Zaman Chaudhry said prevention of corruption requires unanimity of action and purpose among all state institutions aimed at reducing the compelling factors and minimising opportunities.

Chaudhry was speaking at the concluding session of the 5th Awareness and Prevention (A&P) Directors Conference held at NAB Headquarters. He said that enforcement regime of anti-corruption laws is directed at curing the symptoms of corruption without treating its causes.

“The anti-corruption education of people can contribute towards laying the foundations of long-term changes. Therefore, a balanced combination of enforcement, awareness and prevention strategies are more likely to defeat well-entrenched corrupt practices in every social set-up,” he said.

The NAB chairman said, “The focus of NAB’s awareness and prevention strategy should be the concept of horizontal accountability, where each pillar of the state should play the role of a watchdog on at least one other institution.” This approach will reinforce the hard work of anti-corruption efforts by all state institutions and private sector partners, he added.

Chaudhry said the role of awareness and prevention division is imperative in educating the public sector as well as society at large about the need to take on the menace of corruption head-on. He said that effective and far-reaching awareness campaigns must be designed to target all segments of society in highlighting the ill effects of corruption.

The NAB chairman said the formation of prevention committees has been a significant step; however, there is need to reinvigorate their existence so as to achieve the desired results. He hoped that this conference would prove to be a turning point in further strengthening the role of awareness and prevention strategy through holistic approach.

NAB’s deputy chairman, DG A&P, DG Ops, DG T&R along with A&P Directors of respective NAB regions attended the meeting.

Published in The Express Tribune, January 22nd, 2015.
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