Paris to sue Fox News for reports on Muslim 'no-go zones'

"A complaint will be filed in the coming days," despite the apology, said a source at Paris city hall

Fox issued an on-air apology for suggesting parts of Paris and the English city of Birmingham were run under Shariah law. PHOTO: AFP

The city of Paris said Tuesday it plans to sue US chain Fox News for reports that there were "no-go zones" in the French capital that police and non-Muslims avoid.

The reports in the wake of the attacks in Paris two weeks ago have been widely derided and prompted Fox to issue an on-air apology for suggesting parts of Paris and the English city of Birmingham were run under Shariah law.

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"A complaint will be filed in the coming days," despite the apology, said a source at Paris city hall.

The news channel had broadcast a map outlining the so-called no-go zones, which an expert, Nolan Peterson said felt like Afghanistan or Iraq.

On Saturday a Fox news anchor apologised for "some regrettable errors on air regarding the Muslim population in Europe, particularly with regard to England and France.

"Now this applies especially to discussions of so-called no-go zones, areas where non-Muslims allegedly are not allowed in and police supposedly won't go," the anchor said.

The Fox reports spawned much derision online and saw local news show Le Petit Journal send fake correspondents Mike and John to report on these so-called dangerous areas.

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