Out of the ashes: Tiger’s rebirth as a bomb killer

Since becoming the BDS in-charge in 2000, Inayatullah Khan has over 1,000 various explosive devices defused.


In January this year, a 10kg bomb was defused in Maddi village in Kulachi Tehsil of DI Khan. But the roadside bomb wasn’t what made it to the headlines. It was its relation to a local ‘celebrity’, Inayatullah Khan, alias Tiger, that swept away the media’s attention.

Tiger was severely injured while defusing a bomb in the Loone area of Kulachi tehsil. The incident left Tiger without a foot and also cost him two fingers.

But the amputations did not dampen Tiger’s spirits. The 36-year old still considers himself able-bodied enough to ‘kill’ bombs, away from his ‘24-hour on duty’ office, located at the DI Khan police lines.

“It was almost dark and I was in a rush to defuse all five IEDs, but accidently stepped on a device that I had not detected,” he recalled the accident, adding that he only became aware of what happened after he was shifted to the hospital.

He said he has made a habit of recording every bomb that he defuses. “After I defused the five IEDs, I asked a colleague to turn off the camera, and ended up stepping on the sixth IED a few seconds later”.

Tiger was given Rs100,000 by the government and an NGO helped cover the cost of amputation of his foot. “But I had to bear all the other expenses myself,” Tiger added.

“I do not like asking people for help, I am strong enough and can perform my duties to earn my livelihood”.

“Tiger was my code name for intra-police communications,” he said. He insists that saving lives is something that attracts him, despite the lack of resources.

Tiger joined the police in 1998, and was made the DI Khan BDS in-charge in 2000. Since then, he has defused 170 IEDs, 17 suicide jackets, two explosive-laden vehicles, and 1,300 various other types of explosives.

“My only desire is to serve humanity. Living your own life is easy, but risking your life for others is tough,” Tiger said.

Published in The Express Tribune, November 28th, 2014.

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