Culinary trip: Belgian food festival kicks off today

Two-day event features reputed Belgian chefs and musicians.

Residents of the capital will be able to taste and experience the real Belgian food and culture at “Belgi-yumm”, a two-day festival organised by the Embassy of Belgium to showcase the country’s culture through food and music.

The exciting culinary trip to Belgium will serve a total of twenty authentic dishes created by renowned chefs Eric de Wagenaire and Matthias Vanacker who have flown in for the festival.

Moreover, important ingredients for some of the dishes being created have been flown in from Belgium. Some recipes have been altered for Pakistani taste buds, said Vanacker while talking to The Express Tribune, adding that core ingredients such as grey shrimps that are commonly consumed in Belgium have been also been brought in.

The chef said grey shrimps are fished from the North Sea using horses with fishnet attached to their backs. In a traditional manner, the grey shrimps can be consumed immediately with a pinch of salt, however for Pakistan, they have used them to create a typical Belgian dish called “Tomate Crevette”.

He said some dishes that are originally created with alcohol and pork have been replaced with chicken. The taste, however, has been promised to be the closest to authentic Belgian food. “Seeing the popularity of chicken in Pakistan, we thought of adding that to the menu,” he said. Water mess, another item on the menu, is created with chicken, celery, carrots and leek. Other delicacies from the sea include a dish with muscles, onions, leek and cream.

Ambassador of Belgium Peter Claes, addressing a press conference to launch the festival, said Belgian food would be a delightful surprise for Pakistanis. He said Belgium was home to different food cultures, including Pakistani, and it was only fair to bringing such an event to Islamabad. He said food, music and cultural exchange can encourage trade in addition to promoting peace and love.

Speaking to The Express Tribune, Claes said this was not the first time Islooites were getting an opportunity to taste Belgian food. However, the food festival was taking place after a gap of five years. He further said though it was difficult to find people who were willing to come to Pakistan due to the country’s security situation and sponsorship issues, some reputed chefs and musicians are coming to the festival.

“Pakistanis have a great taste in food and they will definitely have an appetite for Belgium’s favorite food items being presented to them,” he added.

To give the event a refreshing and true Belgian experience, Saxophonist John Snauwaert will be performing live jazz at the festival.

The event, organised by the Marriott Hotel in collaboration with the Royal Embassy of Belgium, will start today at the Marroitt.

Published in The Express Tribune, November 18th, 2014.
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