Peshawar in mourning

Funeral prayers of Jamaat-e-Islami leader Haji Dost Mohammad and DSP Gulfat Hussain, who were killed in a suicide attack in Peshawar, were offered on Tuesday.

The prayers were led by Qazi Hussain Ahmad who claimed that terrorism is the outcome of the government's pro-America policies.

Meanwhile, 3-day mourning is being observed in Peshawar to condemn Monday's bombings. All the main business centers, markts and bazars are closed and the city is presenting a deserted look.

Investigations are underway. DNA tests are being conducted on the recovered head of the suicide bomber to ascertain his identity.

Federal Interior Minister Rehman Malik has announced a police medal for the slain DSP.

Information Minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Mian Iftikhar said that terror attacks are desperate attempts by militants to prove their existence after their powers have been slashed.
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