Solidarity: IGP visits family of blast victim

Durrani visits residence of teacher killed in grenade attack on a school in Shabqadar.

IGP Nasir Khan Durrani visited high-risk areas of Peshawar and Charsadda adjacent to Mohmand Agency to supervise security arrangements. He visited several check posts and Shabqadar Bazaar. He hailed the commitment of the police force and distributed rewards to boost their morale. Durrani also visited the house of a teacher who died in the grenade attack on a school in Shabqadar on Friday. He expressed condolences while meeting the bereaved family of Honey Javed and termed the attack as an attack on the right to education.

He said he would request the government to bestow the teacher with a civil bravery award and give a compensation package to the family.

Published in The Express Tribune, October 6th, 2014.
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