Decision to move towards PM house was taken by PTI core committee: Alvi

PTI's general secretary says though Javed Hashmi objected to the decision, rest of available core committe had agreed.

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) General Secretary Arif Alvi disclosed on Monday that the decision to advance towards the PM House from D-Chowk was taken by the party’s core committee, but Javed Hashmi had objected to this.

Talking on Express News, Arif Alvi said initially the party had decided not to move head. But, after Pakistan Awami Tehreek leader Raheeq Abbasi assured there will be no violence, PTI decided to push on.

“I requested both the parties to stay apart as I was not sure if there will be no violence,” said Alvi. “Imran Khan later argued that we march together.”

He added that Hashmi was inside the container at the time and had had an argument with the party chairman over the issue before.

“I told Hashmi there’s ‘new information’ and if he disagreed, he should talk to the chairman.”

While Imran Khan was making preparations to move, Alvi said, Hashmi went upstairs to the top of the container and had an argument with the PTI chief, which could also be seen on TV.

The PTI general secretary added that Hashmi argued not to advance as per Imran’s earlier promise, to which Imran replied that “a new decision has been made.”

Asked if the core committee had agreed to the new decision, Alvi said the core committee met with the party chairman. “The party’s core committee did not meet together, but one by one. All those who were available, agreed to the policy change.”

Alvi further believed that the difference of opinion was in part the result of hot words exchanged between Hashmi and Khan with both losing patience with the other.

When asked to comment on allegation leveled against Imran Khan by Javed Hashmi, Defence Minister Khwaja Asif said the matter was an internal matter of PTI and the public will decide who is right or wrong.

“But it is a big upset,” he said. “Politically it is damaging and Hashmi’s allegations will be given weightage, as he has been an insider for over a year now.”

Talks should continue

When asked how the political impasse could end, Alvi said that talks should continue.

The defence minister said that the option for talks should always be there, adding that the demands, which would strengthen democracy, could be met.

“Politics is the art of the possible but all demands cannot be met. Nawaz Sharif will not step down.”

Responding to Alvi’s comment that talks should continue, Asif said that a ‘political Jirga’ was being formed, and would be sent to talk with the PTI soon.
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