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For the lucky son of a well-known police officer in Sukkur, the wedding bells were accompanied by a police mobile that is used in VIP protocols.

The wedding procession was led by a police mobile with police personnel and a vanguard standing in the van, waving the area clear of traffic as is done for ministers and in emergencies.

The mobile unit and police personnel were stationed throughout the wedding ceremonies that lasted for four to five hours, and while it led the procession to the son’s house, some of the more special wedding guests also sat in the vehicle.

Not only did the officer use a police mobile in the procession but he also attached a flashing blue light to the private white car that carried the groom.

Express News filmed the entire event, which took place in broad daylight on Friday. The DPO has been accused of condoning the use of government equipment since he was in the area but did not intervene.

The mobile unit used in the wedding as ‘protocol’ bore the registration number SP-6971 and is said to belong to the Sukkur Police Lines.

The private car with the police mobile’s siren had the number SW-098. SP Investigations Aitzaz Goraya has ordered that the mobile and police officer who used the mobile should be found and held accountable for the transgression.

However, he maintained that Sukkur city did not suffer from a shortage of police vehicles.
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