Another barrier to fall: Pakistani SIMs may soon be accessible in India

Commerce secretary sends proposal to the home ministry.


In a bid to foster better trade ties with its neighbour, India may soon allow Pakistani visitors access to SIM cards issued by their local cellular networks.

According to media outlets, Indian Commerce Secretary Rajeev Kher sent a proposal to the home ministry about granting access to SIM cards issued in Pakistan.

In his letter, Kher wrote that this unilateral move will enhance business and trade ties between the two neighbouring countries. He further added that Pakistanis travelling to India on visas are not terrorists, the Economic Times reported.

The commerce secretary’s letter comes ahead of a meeting between Commerce and Industry Minister Khurram Dastgir Khan and his Indian counterpart Nirmala Sitharaman, scheduled for July 24.

“Connectivity through the Internet and applications such as WhatsApp already allows people between the two countries to communicate seamlessly. Restricting telecom connectivity does not make any sense,” said an official of the ministry.

“The telecom ministry is willing to go ahead with the proposal provided the home ministry is on board,” the official revealed.

Visitors from Pakistan, especially members of the business community, have often complained about the inconvenience of not being able to use their mobile connections in India.

Following their meeting in May, both Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and Prime Minister Modi had agreed to work towards greater cooperation in an atmosphere “free of confrontation’’.

The trade liberalisation process, which has resulted in both sides removing a number of barriers over the past two years, is also set to be re-started when the two trade ministers meet in Bhutan later this month on the sidelines of the SAFTA ministerial.

Commenting on the development, the commerce ministry official further said, “When you can allow Pakistani nationals to enter the country by giving them valid visas after vetting their credentials, there is no logic behind not allowing them to use their international SIMs.”

Published in The Express Tribune, July 10th, 2014.
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