Urdu books worth a read

Pakistan Kion Toota and Jahan-e-Hairat are both worth picking up...

Book: Pakistan Kion Toota

Author: Dr Safdar Mehmood

Pages: 552

Publisher: Sang-e-Mell

Publication, Lahore

Dr Safdar Mehmood is a renowned Pakistani teacher, historian, writer and columnist. He has written a number of books on Pakistan’s history and politics. His articles are regularly published in Urdu newspapers and are highly popular.

Pakistan Kion Toota is a research-based book. The author has collected and collated speeches, articles, press conferences and interviews of all the key players who were at the helm of affairs at the time of fall of Dhaka.  Mehmood has worked very hard to unearth the facts that led to this catastrophe.

The break-up of Pakistan is such a tragedy that it cannot be compared to anything else in the history of our country. The 1971 civil war traumatised the people of Pakistan. This book is especially informative for students of History and Pakistani politics.

Book: Jahan-e-Hairat

Author: Sadar Muhammad Choudhri

Pages: 728

Publisher: Elis Publishers, Lahore

Jahan-e-Hairat is an autobiography of a retired police officer, Sadar Muhammad Choudhri, who held very important posts during his career. He is an eyewitness to some extremely important events which took place in the history of Pakistan, i.e. the fall of Dhaka and the execution of Z A Bhutto. He has work experience with almost all important political leaders/rulers.

The best part about this book is that he has not hidden anything, particularly the hardships faced by him and his family during his early life. He has also highlighted the tragedy of migration and the cruelties and brutalities suffered by the Muslims of the subcontinent. One very important lesson that readers can gather from this book is that if given the opportunity, a senior and intelligent officer can contribute towards the betterment of society and country. Since Choudhri is a witness to the fall of Dhaka, he has tried to unravel actual conspiracies. His visit to China to meet Dr Henry Kissinger is another historical event that Choudhri speaks of in this book.

Overall, the book is very captivating for those who are interested in the history of Pakistan and want to know about the ‘other side’ of politicians, maulvis, waderas and bureaucrats.

Published in The Express Tribune, November 7th, 2010.
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