Qadri threatens to sue federal government and Emirates for damages

Qadri extends support for operation Zarb-e-Azb.

Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) leader Dr Tahirul Qadri on Tuesday threatened sue the federal government and Emirates airlines for Rs10 billion for diverting his plane from Islamabad to Lahore on Monday.

Addressing a press conference at Minhajul Quran secretariat along with a delegation of Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), Qadri alleged that the government had hijacked his plane carrying 276 passengers.

Continuing his tirade against Punjab police, Qadri alleged that on his arrival the Punjab police and government committed terrorism similar to the one committed on June 17 at Model Town, Lahore.

He said 1,400 more activists of PAT had been arrested in Islamabad and Rawalpindi under terrorism charges even though they were not carrying any weapons.

Qadri added that the police fired tear gas at innocent men and women in Islamabad leaving dozens of them injured. He claimed that the police hired hundreds of ‘Gullu Butts,’ the man responsible for damage to property during PAT rallies, to pose as PAT workers.

He said hundreds of policemen were in civil dresses and Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif should explain who they were.

Qadri said that the rulers were blaming him for derailing democracy and violating the constitution, but instead they themselves had tried to derail democracy and violated the constitution by bringing hired terrorists in police vehicles to attack peaceful protesters.
He alleged that the police was conducting raids to arrest leaders of PAT at district, tehsil and union council level in a bid to quell their movement.
Qadri also asked for the resignation of Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif and said that the concerned police officers should be terminated and for the formation of a joint investigation team excluding police personnel to investigate the incident.

The PAT leader also maintained that he would not go abroad, until the incumbents are removed.

Extending support for Zarb-e-Azb

Furthermore, Qadri extended support for operation Zarb-e-Azb, labeling it a jihad against terrorists. He said that the operation is in accordance with Islam and the nation should support the armed forces.

He further added that He would address the whole nation on some day to develop national consensus over operation.
While asking his supporters to mark the next five Fridays as ‘Zarb-e-Azb Day’, Qadri told them to take out peaceful rallies in solidarity with the armed forces.

Qadri also expressed support for the internally displaced persons (IDPs) and announced that he will dispatch 25,000 packages comprising food and medicines for IDPs within the next few days.

He urged his supporters to set-up donation collection camps across the country and abroad for the IDPs. These contributions would then be distributed among IDPs through government channels. Qadri called on the federal and provincial governments allocate a budget for the IDPs. He said that his plans for visiting the IDPs will be announced soon.


The PAT leader condemned torture on journalists and cable operators who were demanding the removal Pemra chief.

He said Pemra is an institution of journalistic terrorism and the Supreme Court should take notice against it and disband it. He added that the performance and functioning of Pemra was not constitutional, thus the government should constitute another media regulator body in consultation with journalistic bodies.

In response to a question, Qadri said that he did not compel any passenger to not leave the flight in fact, a number of people including Raja Zafrul Haq left the plane. He said that had they forced passengers to remain on board, he would not have let Raja Zafrul Haq leave as he who could be the best reason for dialogue with the government.

Answering another question regarding the judicial commission, Qadri said that he would not accept any commission during the tenure of the present government which had tampered relevant records.
He added that he did not doubt the integrity of the judge but had reservations against the government.
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