T-Diaries: Salina Taqi

A glimpse into the world of Pakistani powerhouses.

With my husband.

The last thing you do before going to bed is?

Hug my husband and do a gratitude meditation.

An idea that changed your life?

My favourite quote by the great Buddha: “The mind is everything. What you think, you become.”

You a working woman with a husband and a home, How do you maintain a work-life balance?

My week starts with a long to-do list and I organise my days based on priorities. I have Superman for a husband who divides the house work with me to ensure I can work hard and play hard.

How has the Pakistani health industry changed over the past years?

I think everyone wants to get healthy now. From excellent fitness challenges to yummy salad bars and health cafes… it’s not about being skinny anymore. It is all about fitness and I love it.

What’s your secret fitness/beauty regime?

A super green juice every morning.

What sparked your interest in yoga?

I was in Singapore, waiting for a job transfer, which didn’t go through. I was unemployed, unhappy and going through a tough phase in my life. Everything was a big question mark. But then my mom recommended yoga and I simply fell in love with the practice. The union of the greater self with the self is simply beautiful.

What is the best thing about yoga?

It is a path to potential enlightenment.

How did the brand Salina Cosmetics come into being?

Salina Cosmetics is actually a sister concern of Novins International, my husband’s pharmaceutical company. I’ve always been obsessed with make-up and skin care products so when he asked me if I would be interested in starting a cosmetics line, I jumped right on board.

Where do you see yourself in the next five to ten years?

I have a Pakistani passport even though I wasn’t born here. I am the only one in my family to have one and I think that is for a reason. I have this inner calling to help the women in my country. I see myself making a change in Pakistan.

Looking back over your career, what do you think is your best work?

Launching Orglow at Salina Cosmetics or the Ultimate 7- Day Detox at Studio X would come close.

Please share some quick yoga tips for our readers?

Meditate for 15-20 minutes every morning or whenever you get the time. Take deep breaths for the quality of your breath determines the quality of your life. It will change you for the best!

Any advice for aspiring female health gurus?

You should stay focused and surround yourself with like-minded people. Also, set an intention and be true to it. Do it for the greater good.

Salina Taqi

Yoga Instructor/Socialite

Published in The Express Tribune, Ms T, June 15th, 2014.
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