Pakistan rejects Afghan claim of attack on Abdullah Abdullah

Denial came a day after Kabul accused "foreign intelligence services" of being behind two blasts.

Presidential candidate Dr Abdullah Abdullah. PHOTO: AFP

Pakistan on Monday rejected Afghan claims it was linked to an attack on presidential front-runner Abdullah Abdullah last week that left 12 people dead ahead of an election run-off.

The denial came a day after Kabul accused "foreign intelligence services" -- a thinly veiled reference to Islamabad -- of being behind the two blasts, including a suicide bombing.

"We firmly reject any insinuation of Pakistan's involvement in the attack," Pakistan's foreign ministry spokeswoman Tasnim Aslam said in a statement.

Abdullah survived the assassination attempt, which happened on Friday. The attack triggered strong international condemnation, including from the United States and the UN Security Council.

The National Security Council (NSC), which is chaired by Afghan President Hamid Karzai, had said the foreign agency had acted "through Lashkar-e-Taiba in an organised manner, and the terrorists were aiming to disrupt the election in Afghanistan".

"Pakistan is deeply disappointed by these irresponsible allegations as they serve to vitiate the positive environment created between the two countries through constructive efforts over the past many months," Aslam said.

Afghanistan has made similar claims following major attacks in the past, including the assault on the Serena Hotel that killed nine people in March.

"The latest allegations fall in the familiar pattern of certain elements in Afghanistan sparing no occasion to malign Pakistan and its security institutions and shifting the blame to others for their own security failures,” said Aslam.

She further added, "We are sure that neither the Afghan people, nor the international community, would be misled by these motivated allegations."

Afghanistan is in the middle of elections to choose a successor to Karzai, who has ruled since the fall of the 1996-2001 Taliban regime, with the run-off vote scheduled for June 14.
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