At state expense: One envoy made 32 foreign trips in two years, NA told

Details of expenditure and purpose of visits not provided by FO.

Details of expenditure and purpose of visits not provided by FO. PHOTO: FILE


A Pakistani ambassador-at-large undertook as many as 32 trips to several countries in a two-year period, documents submitted to the National Assembly by the Foreign Office have revealed. Several others have enjoyed multiple such visits at the state’s expense.

While the Foreign Office provided the lower house of parliament a list of the foreign and local trips Pakistani ambassadors-at-large have undertaken, it did not reveal the details of the money spent on the frequent visits nor the purpose behind them.

According to details, ambassador-at-large to foreign countries Nasir Ali Khan paid 32 visits to different countries at the state’s expense between June 2008 and April 2010. These include trips to multiple countries at a time.

In 2008, he visited France thrice, Afghanistan, India and New York twice, and Colombo and Kampala once. In 2009, he visited the US and Britain thrice, Germany, Thailand and Dubai twice, and Afghanistan, Iran, Ankara, Rome, Paris, Prague, Moscow, The Hague, Tokyo, Kuala Lumpur, Manama and Tobago once. In 2010, he visited the UAE twice and the US, Britain, Belgium, China and Saudi Arabia once.

Another ambassador-at-large, Khalil Ahmed, visited 12 countries between 2008 and 2010. Ahmed visited the US and several other countries once in 2008. This was followed by seven visits to China, two visits to the US and one to UK in 2009. In 2010, he visited the UK once.

In addition to this, Ahmed also went on 13 trips within the country, mostly to Karachi and Lahore, in this timeframe.

Ambassador-at-Large to Foreign Countries Zia Ispahani paid a single visit to Bangladesh in 2009, but made five trips within the country between 2008 and 2010. Ambassador-at-Large Salman Faruqi paid two visits each to Karachi and Lahore during this timeframe while Ambassador-at-Large Jamil Ahmed Khan paid three visits to Karachi at the state’s expense.

Published in The Express Tribune, May 26th, 2014.
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