Right under the nose: One killed as rivals clash at police station

SHO Rafiq had called the rivals to ‘amicably’ settle a property dispute.

Instead of breaking up the fistfight or ordering policemen to control the situation, the SHO left the room, said Rehman, who was present at the scene. PHOTO: FILE


A clash between rival groups inside Bahlak police station ended up claiming a man’s life while the police staff stood by.

Bahlak Station House Officer (SHO) Mian Muhammad Rafiq had called two rivals groups, Wattoo group and Kharal group, who had an old enmity over a property dispute, to settle the matter amicably. During the meeting, both groups exchanged harsh words after which a brawl broke out. Ali Muhammad Kharal, a resident of Chak 603-GB received critical injuries and passed away.

Abdur Rehman, who was present at the scene, told journalists that during the meeting, a person from the Wattoo group interrupted a man from the Kharal group who was speaking about the property dispute. The Kharal group told the man off for the interruption on which members of the other group used abusive language. A brawl broke out and members of both groups beat each other up in the presence of SHO Rafiq, Rehman said.

Instead of breaking up the fistfight or ordering policemen to control the situation, the SHO left the room, he said. Some members of the Wattoo group punched and kicked Ali Muhammad Kharal while the policemen in the room stood by, Rehman said. Kharal was severely injured and fell to the ground but none of the policemen came forward to provide him assistance, he said.

Members of the Wattoo group did not let Kharal’s supporters to take him to a hospital. He lay there for 15 minutes before he died, Rehman said.

After Kharal breathed his last, members of the Wattoo group fled and the policemen did not try to apprehend them, Rehman said.

Kharal’s supporters staged a protest demonstration in front of the Bahlak police station and blocked the Okara-Tandlianwala Road for traffic. They placed Kharal’s body in the middle of the road and chanted slogans against the police. They demanded the immediate arrest of the killers and the suspension of Bahlak policemen. They said SHO Rafiq had demonstrated cowardice by not intervening in the situation or ordering the arrest of the accused.

Sadar Ameer Superintendent Abdullah Niazi and Assistant Superintendent Police Jawwad Tariq reached the scene and tried to placate the protesters. After they assured them that the murderers would be arrested soon the protesters ended the demonstration. The police sent the body for post-mortem.

ASP Tariq said the police had arrested three of accused and were looking for the rest. “We are waiting for the post-mortem after which further action will be taken,” the ASP added.

Published in The Express Tribune, May 17th, 2014.
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