T-Diaries: Naheed Mashooqullah

A glimpse into the world of Pakistani powerhouses

Relaxing at home, in my garden.

• One thing you have that no one else does?

An appreciation of the fact that life doesn’t really allow such uniqueness.

• A beauty tip you swear by?

Drinking at least two litres of water per day.

• What’s on your nightstand?

A things-to-do list for Monday.

• Last played song on your Ipod?

Yellow Light by Of Monsters and Men

• Marriage is...?

An eight letter word that rhymes with carriage.

• The last thing you do before going to bed?

Make sure my dogs are comfortable.

• Fame or money? What’s more important?

Neither are important.

• For a man to catch your eye, he needs to be...?

He should look like Don Draper.

• A word or phrase you tend to overuse?

“I’m exhausted.”

• The one superpower you would like to have?

I would like to scale Mt. Everest with Spider-Man’s superpower.

• You wouldn’t be caught dead doing which of the following? A) With oiled hair? B) Taking a selfie or C) Eating alone at a restaurant?

I would happily be caught dead doing any of the above.

• A perfect first date is...?

When I’m laughing so much that I don’t notice the fly in my soup.

• Where can we find you on a Saturday night ?

Out and about with friends.

• Adventure is...?

Scuba diving in Boracay, Philippines.

• The Superwoman Syndrome is the desire to do everything perfectly, without any time to yourself. What do to have to say about that?

If you aren’t giving any time to yourself then you aren’t really super, are you?

• What’s the best way to deal with failure?

To learn from it.

• Technology is...?

A necessary nuisance.

• An idea or moment that changed your life?

I think it would be when I moved to Pakistan from India.

Naheed Mashooqullah

Architect/Interior designer

Published in The Express Tribune, Ms T, May 4th, 2014.
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