Assurance: Punjab governor to take up taxation woes with PM

According to LCCI, the governor agreed with the LCCI president that tax procedures should be simplified.

The governor gave assurance that he would soon meet with the premier to apprise him of the challenges facing the economy. PHOTO: ONLINE/FILE


Punjab Governor Chaudhry Muhammad Sarwar pledged to take up taxation-related issues of the business community with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.

The governor was talking to a 10-member Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) delegation. According to the LCCI spokesman, the governor agreed with the LCCI president that tax procedures should be simplified, untaxed sectors be taxed and that a comprehensive strategy to deal with under-invoicing and the high rates of taxes needs to be developed.

The governor gave assurance that he would soon meet with the premier to apprise him of the challenges facing the economy. Appreciating the LCCI initiative to hold a three-day second OIC Ambassadors and Trade Conference on April 11 to 13 in Lahore, the governor said that the Punjab government would help to ensure success of this important event.

Published in The Express Tribune, April 3rd, 2014.

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