Fan reactions to How I Met Your Mother series finale

There were laughs and there were tears, but most of all, there were a lot of angry fans.

After the premiere of the season finale that aired on Monday, The Express Tribune carried out a survey and gathered some priceless fan reactions.


How I Met Your Mother came to an end after nine legendary seasons. After almost a decade, when we finally found out how Ted Mosby met ‘the mother’ Tracy, we also learned the real reason why he was telling his kids this long-winded story that barely involved the mother. After the premiere of the season finale that aired on Monday, The Express Tribune carried out a survey and gathered some priceless fan reactions; there were laughs and there were tears, but most of all, there were a lot of angry fans. 

Bisma Harris: Is there a chance this was an April Fools’ prank? It was the worst case scenario I had imagined. I didn’t like it at all. 

Naheer Ameer: Yes!!!!!!!! HIMYM ended just the way it should have for Ted. <3

Faiza Saleem: After all the ways Barney changed and grew the last two seasons, they really threw him away at the end. 

Shoaib Jan: LISTEN! What was that? They ruined everything. Disappointing would be an understatement. 

Balaj Alamtab: AWESOMMMMME ENDING!!! Not predictable, wrapped up neatly. A good ol’, ‘sometimes, life gives you lemons and you make lemonade’ story!! AWWWWESOMMMME!!!! 

Abuzer: I enjoyed the finale. Although I should’ve expected one last twist. Thank you for nine great years! 

Shahmeer Alam: If you’re upset about the finale, then you don’t understand the message of the show. All along, it’s been about the journey, not the ending.

Sabah Khamisha: I’m not sure how I feel. I think I am disappointed. Barney and Robin’s relationship was meant to last. It made me feel there’s still hope for all the players and they too, can fall in love. 

Abdullah Janjua: Some parts were really great and emotional and others were quite funny, but overall, they completely destroyed the characters and basic plot that we loved.

Ramsha Rais: Disappointing! They ruined the whole concept of the show for me.

Zehra: It’s not too late to redeem yourselves. Tell us that the finale was just an April Fools’ joke and all will be forgiven.

Zain:  Kids, I’m going to  tell you an incredible story. A story of how to completely ruin a series in 60 minutes. 

Marina Faryal: With the way it was going, the disappointing end was not so much of a surprise. I am glad the series has come to an end. 

Myra: Because fairy tales aren’t real and life is messy and it doesn’t always work out the way you plan it to. Things happen. 

Shahroze: “And that, kids, is how I met your Aunt Robin.” First episode, guys. The show could have ended after the first episode. 

Ayesha: You wasted nine years telling a story about how you met your wife, only to kill her and date your bestfriend’s ex-wife? 

Mustafa Changezi: ‘How to ruin something legendary in only 10 minutes’ should have been the name of the last episode. 

Rabia: I’m going to pretend HIMYM ended with Barney and Robin’s wedding... The finale never existed! 

Emaad Qureshi: I like how they went with bold decisions, showing that life isn’t always a ‘happily ever after’ story. So, even though the story with the mother dying was disappointing and rusted, the rest was pretty nicely tied up.

Qurat J: They ruined it by finishing it like that!? What a waste of the past five years! 

Amna: My life goal is to become rich enough to hire all the actors again and recreate the finale the correct way. 

Published in The Express Tribune, April 3rd, 2014.

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