Five ways to ward off acne

Expert tips for summer skin care

Use a moisturiser twice a day to keep skin healthy. PHOTO: FILE

The onset of summer often means a nightmare for people with oily skin. To protect your face from zits, choose the right products for skin care, says an expert.

Kiran Lohia, dermatologist and managing director of Lumiere Dermatology, shares a few acne defense tips:

Wash your face only twice a day: Washing your face too much signals your oil glands to overproduce oil, making it even more greasy. By limiting excessive cleansing, your skin will naturally balance itself.

Don't use soap: Soaps can damage skin by making it drier, rougher and more permeable to bacteria.

Look for face washes with salicylic acid in them: Salicylic acid is naturally derived from willow bark. It helps to get rid of blackheads and whiteheads, while reducing oil production too. The percentage should be at least 1 per cent in order to have enough efficacy.

Use a moisturiser twice a day: No matter how oily your skin is, it still needs moisture to keep it healthy. Look for gentle gels that are free from fragrance, colour and paraben to let your skin breathe.

Wear sunblock: The sun has UVA and UVB rays which initially may seem to be drying up those pimples, however it ultimately worsens your acne and acne marks in the long run.
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