Legal loopholes?: Arms dealers protest ‘unlawful’ police raids

Warn to continue if demands not met.

Warn to continue if demands not met. PHOTO: FILE

Arms and ammunition dealers across the district observed a shutter-down strike against police raids on their shops. They threatened to continue to protest for an indefinite period if their demands were not met.

Speaking to journalists in at a news conference, Arms Dealers Association President Inyat Khan claimed the Protection of Pakistan Ordinance was being used against them by the police who were conducting raids on their warehouses and harassing dealers who work under licenses.

According to Khan, the Shinkiari police raided local dealer Fahad’s shop three days ago and arrested him for carrying 12 bore pistols, which he was not permitted to carry. “He has been behind bars since and cannot be released on bail owing to the provisions of the law.”

The police are carrying out raids at most dealers’ shops and are harassing them, forcing them to shut down, claimed Khan. He threatened to continue protesting if their men were not released.

Also at the news conference, Mansehra Anjuman Tajran head Haji Haroon and other office bearers offered their full support to the arms dealers.

Published in The Express Tribune, February 17th, 2014.
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