The new age: Holographic impressions that leave a mark on minds

The Sooper Holographic Mall Activity attempts to attract customers through visual stimulation.

The ‘Sooper Holographic Mall Activity’, held at Dolmen Mall on Tariq Road aimed to influence consumers’ thinking by 3D stimulation. PHOTO: ATHAR KHAN/ EXPRESS


The use of images and sounds to influence consumers’ responses without them being conscious of it, does nevertheless affect the way they think.

These tips on consumer behavior were shared by the chief executive officer (CEO) of Red Tape Media (RTM), Najeeb Baig. He was speaking to The Express Tribune at the ‘Sooper Holographic Mall Activity’, held at Dolmen Mall on Tariq Road on Friday. RTM are the pioneers of using holographic technology to create a 3D simulation for advertisements.

Baig was of the view that holographic technology was an effective tool to transmit the brand’s message and ensure that the point would be remembered by people for a long time. “Transaction is not enough now. It is all about creating consumer experiences that people will remember forever,” said Baig.

Why did they chose a mall for this activity? Baig explained that shopping malls are chosen because the target audience was easily available at these places. He added that the people not only gathered to see the activity but also discussed it with friends and family afterwards. “The activity was performed to exert subconscious influences on the viewer. In other words, it is what we call subliminal advertising.”

Baig reasoned that holographic technology was used to create a 3D simulation to influence consumers’ responses, adding that such activities would go on to become an asset for brands. People make videos of such activities, that subsequently become ‘viral video ads’ on the internet, he added.

“A major marketing gap has been filled through digital technology,” said RTM marketing and sales manager, Arsalan Mohsin Saeed. “The best way of marketing is one that brings smiles on peoples’ faces. This is what we are doing here.” Saeed was of the view that the use of innovative technology, such as holographic technology, will be the next big tool of the advertising industry. Dr Khan, who was watching the activity with his son, said that an attractive thing has been developed and he had come to see the activity because ‘Sooper Biscuits’ were his son’s favourite biscuits. “There is nothing tangible in the box, yet it is very exciting.”

Published in The Express Tribune, February 16th, 2014.
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