‘Unstable’ PCB bids to rope in 1992 heroes

Input from former champions sought for 2015 World Cup as Ashraf appeal hovers.

Zaka Ashraf is chalking out long term plans despite an uncertain future looming ahead of him. PHOTO: SHAFIQ MALIK/ EXPRESS

As a ‘strong’ appeal against Chairman Zaka Ashraf’s reinstatement hovers, Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) announced an extensive plan for 2015 World Cup preparations.

The PCB revealed on Wednesday that Ashraf, who was restored last week by the Islamabad High Court (IHC), headed a meeting to deliberate strategy for next year’s World Cup.

Following the meeting, it was decided that advice from the 1992 winning team members would be the best way to prepare a strategy for the tournament.

PCB Director General Javed Miandad and Director International Cricket Intikhab Alam, who were part of that triumphant side as vice-captain and manager respectively, have been assigned the task of contacting their former team members.

“A plan for the 2015 World Cup [long term] and the ICC World T20 [short term] will be devised based on their recommendations,” said a PCB official. Pakistan captains Misbahul Haq (Test, ODI) and Mohammad Hafeez (T20) will also be a part of the deliberation process.

Ashraf in a statement said: “The idea is to draw from this great resource of knowledge and experience in order to raise a winning team for the 2015 World Cup.”

Miandad added: “The task is not to merely give suggestions, but to draw a blueprint to replicate the 1992 win.

“The purpose is to start preparing now – with nearly 13 months to go for the event – so that the national squad is ready for a shot at the title.”

Government likely to approach top court  

The government is likely to appeal against the reinstatement of Ashraf, that saw the ouster of the Interim Management Committee formed by PCB patron Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.

An official close to the matter said that the Inter Provincial Coordination ministry has been given the go-ahead to file an appeal in the Supreme Court. “The appeal is likely to be filed today,” said the official.

Another official close to the PCB termed the current state of the board as ‘unstable’.

“The PCB officials are in a fix due to the current state,” he said. “Even the board members are hesitating to show open favour to Ashraf.”

Published in The Express Tribune, January 23rd, 2014.

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